As an injury lawyer, we work with a lot of clients, representing people after they have been in a car wreck. If you have been injured, we can help to ensure that your rights are protected so that you can receive financial compensation for your injuries. This typically includes money to pay for current and future medical expenses, repairs to your car, and lost wages. In order to start building your case and determine liability, we will need to sit down with you and learn more about the accident. During your consultation, we will want to know every detail about what happened before, during and after the accident. Don’t leave … Continued
Lawyer in Houston: What’s the Scoop With Marijuana Legalization?

As a lawyer in Houston, we want to warn you that while many states are legalizing marijuana, the war on drugs is alive and well in Texas. Over the past decade, states have been legalizing marijuana for use medically, and recently both Colorado and Washington passed bills allowing for its recreational use. Still, many states that have yet to pass these laws have bills in the general assembly addressing this issue right now. While, at the federal level, marijuana is illegal, this has created a lot of confusion across the country and in Texas. Warning: If you live in a state where it is legal to use marijuana, or you … Continued
How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

As a criminal defense lawyer, I can help if you are ever charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, or are even being investigated for one. I recommend that you hire, or at least consult, a defense lawyer immediately. The reasons for this are many and varied. To begin with, an arrest simply means that the arresting police officer feels that there is probable cause to believe that you committed the crime for which you have been arrested – not that you are guilty of it. I can help you to understand the exact charges that are being brought against you, familiarize you with the best possible defense, and … Continued
An Attorney in Houston Reviews a Crime Lab Scandal

As an attorney in Houston, I represent a lot of clients that have been charged with various drug crimes and other criminal activities. It is important for each of my clients that we gather evidence in order to provide the jury with enough reasonable doubt that they are unwilling to deliver a conviction. This is especially true since the prosecutor will be presenting their own evidence indicating guilt. Unfortunately, that evidence is not always accurate, as was evident with a recent crime lab scandal. The Wall Street Journal reported on a case in Massachusetts, where a chemist at the local crime lab, Ms. Dookhan, admitted to not following protocol. She … Continued
A Felony Attorney Discusses Cases of Domestic Violence

As a felony attorney, I represent clients that have been charged with all types of crimes. A felony is simply the classification of the crime, not the crime itself. For example, those charged with a felony may face a certain amount of time in jail along with a fine if convicted. A misdemeanor is another type of classification that can also come with jail time upon conviction, though a lesser amount. When representing clients, we try to have them charged with a misdemeanor instead of a felony whenever possible because it reduces the overall sentence should a conviction be delivered by the jury. In cases of domestic violence, we see … Continued
What You Need to Know About Capital Punishment from a Houston Attorney

If you have been charged with murder, or think that you may be, you need a Houston attorney on your side. In Texas, capital punishment is prevalent, and the risk of being put on death row is very real. The key is to get the help that you need to ensure that the charges are dropped as quickly as possible so that you are not at risk of receiving the death penalty. Texas law states that anyone over the age of seventeen can receive death by lethal injection if found guilty of a capital homicide. Those, that are insane, may not receive this punishment. Otherwise, the prosecutor can ask for … Continued
Speak With a Criminal Defense Attorney if You Are Charged with Drug Possession

Many people don’t speak with a criminal defense attorney about drug charges because they assume that the crime isn’t that big of a deal. While using drugs is certainly less impactful than hurting someone else, it is still illegal and the consequences of a conviction can be life altering. As with any criminal charges, it is important to not take anything for granted and start to build a defense instead. We recommend that you never speak to the police without an attorney present. Anything, that you say, can be used against you and you never know when a possession charge could turn into something more serious like drug cultivation. The … Continued
Speak With a Lawyer in Houston if You Are Charged With Burglary

You need to speak with a lawyer in Houston if you have been charged with burglary or criminal trespassing. In fact, if you are even being questioned about this type of incident – contact a lawyer. State laws vary on what constitutes burglary and what the penalties are for doing so. In Texas, the laws are strict, and a conviction can lead to up to ten years in jail. This is not something that you want to take a chance with, making it important to get help as soon as possible. You can be charged and convicted of burglary without stealing anything. The laws in Texas are so strict, that … Continued
Learn Why It is Important to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer Immediately

It is a fundamental, and potentially costly mistake, to avoid hiring a criminal defense lawyer immediately on being arrested. An attorney knows the ins and outs of the law and can prevent you from making mistakes, like issuing statements, that could potentially cause you to spend time in jail. An attorney also knows all the tricks arresting officials, officers, and prosecution attorneys will use to elicit a confession and end their case as quickly as possible. In other words, it is you against the entire system, making it imperative that you have a lawyer on your side. An attorney should be your first call when you are placed under arrest. It … Continued
A Houston Attorney Explains How Assault Charges Work in Texas

As a Houston attorney practicing in the state of Texas, I frequently work with clients that are charged with assault and battery. These are serious charges that can result in jail time. Depending on how the assault was committed, the charges may be elevated to aggravated assault that poses an even greater risk of spending years in jail. According to our constitution, a citizen of the United States is innocent until proven guilty. That means that if you have been arrested and charged with assault, you should qualify for release on bail pending your trial. By working with a bail bonds company, you can pay a portion of the fee … Continued
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